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Welcome to Wang Technology your premier source for Geotechnical and Structural solutions. At Wang Technology, our mission is to support you in meeting the requirements of your project. We are committed to meeting the individual needs of each client and to delivering the highest quality of service.

For more than 25 years, Wang Technology has continually advanced the industry by delivering stellar performances on critical high-profile projects; thus setting the standard for Geotechnical and Structural Instrumentation in the Greater New York Metropolitan area. In 2011, we expanded our operations by opening our west coast office in San Francisco…

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Areas of Expertise

  • Infrastructure Types: Subway Tunnels, Launch Boxes, Tunnel Boring Machines, Bridges, Highways, Buildings, Airport Terminals & Runways, Dams, Railroads, Piers, Aqueducts, Bulkheads, Seawalls, Utilities & Power Stations
  • Structure Monitoring: Stress, Strain & Load Monitoring, Earth Retention, Tilt/Movement
  • Health & Safety Monitoring: Dust, Noise, Groundwater, Air Quality
  • Deformation Monitoring: Stress, Strain and Load Monitoring, Earth Retention Monitoring, Tilt/Movement Monitoring
  • Supported Construction Types: Foundations, Retaining Walls, Sheet Pile Walls, Slurry Walls, Seawalls, Bulkhead, Subway Tunnels, Scant Pile Walls, Jet Grouting Walls, SOE Walls, Abutments, Dam Diaphragm Walls, Historic Buildings, Caisson, Structures
  • Settlement Monitoring: Tilt/Movement Monitoring, Vibration Monitoring
  • Systems & Design: Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Geotechnical Instrumentation Plan, Automated Data Acquisition Systems
  • Construction Activity Supported: Buildings, Subway Tunnels, Water Tunnels, Dams, Bridges, SOE Structures, Excavation, Rock Blasting, Pile Driving, Underpinning, Utility Relocations

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